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Pre Apprenticeship Programme

What is the Pre Apprenticeship Programme?

A one-year course aimed at Post 16 students as an alternative to A-levels.
The Pre-Apprenticeship Programme ensures young people develop three key capacities.
The Pre-Apprenticeship programme should ensure that every young person is able to gain the knowledge, skills and personal attributes required to become:
โ€ข ready to play a full part in life and work
โ€ข responsible, principled and informed citizens of their community, England and the world
โ€ข healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society
The Pre-Apprenticeship programme gives recognition to the full range of a young personโ€™s achievements and learning experiences including formal qualifications and all aspects of their personal development.
The programme will consist of 2 key elements:
1. Vocational / academic studies which specifically cater for the students' onward journey into apprenticeship (see below):
BTEC Level 2 Workskills
BTEC Level 2 Planning and Participating in Work Experience
BTEC Level 2 Personal & Social Development

GCSE Maths / English re-sits if required
2. Work Experience
This will take place 3 days per week from October โ€“ July and will be a bespoke provision, tailored to each individual studentโ€™s future aspirations (students spend September, in school, preparing themselves for the world of work)

Core Values of the Pre-Apprenticeship Programme
Every young person is a valued member of our diverse society on an equal basis and is entitled to be equipped with the knowledge, skills and attributes required to allow them to make the maximum contribution possible. The Pre-Apprenticeship Programme is a framework providing paths to success and fulfilment for all young people, including those with special educational needs.
Every young person is capable of significant achievements and successes, each of which deserve recognition.
The support provision of a set of learning experiences that provide appropriate levels of challenge for all learners in their context.
A framework that embraces an appropriate degree of specialisation in vocational and academic subject disciplines alongside wider personal development.
A framework that ensures every young person receives an education which is deeper and richer for the value given to each component and the connections made between them.

Transitions UK โ€“ The Achieve Project

Transitions UK are a charity who support young people with learning disabilities or additional needs who are transitioning from school to college / the widening community.
We are delighted to be forming a partnership with them and their Stevenage hub will be based at Barnwell School.

Initially, they will work with students enrolled on our Pre-Apprenticeship Programme keeping them motivated, focussing upon different areas including confidence, skills training and developing positive relationships. Transitions UK would then provide the aftercare and follow up after the students leave us to start their apprenticeships.

It is hoped that through working together and providing a clear progression route, we can continue to provide our young people with the opportunity to successfully complete their learning journeys and realise their future ambitions.

For more information, please contact Jackie Johnson:ย orย 01438 222500























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