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All music students are given the opportunity to experience creativity both inside and outside the classroom, whilst being enabled to develop a cultural understanding of the world around them.
We do this through teaching which challenges our students to understand different styles and genres and we require them to explore and demonstrate this understanding creatively. They achieve this through collaborative performance and composition and through evaluation of their work.
We ensure that learning goes beyond what is taught in lessons, for whilst we want students to achieve the best examination results, we believe our curriculum goes beyond what is examinable. We offer a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities beyond the classroom including instrumental lessons and a diverse array of ensembles which offer opportunities to all, allowing students to collaborate with others to improve their performance skills and passion for the subject. We expose our students to live music and all students involved in music at Barnwell have regular performance opportunities.

Learning Journey

Learning journey music3

Click the image to download.

Curriculum Map 

In years 7, 8 and 9 students explore the music curriculum and look at the elements of music in a practical manner. They look at different cultures, historical events and technologies exploring the impact they have had on music globally throughout history. Students are given the opportunity to compose, perform and evaluate different musical genres and styles.



Y7 Content 

Y7 Key Assessment 

Y8 Content 

Y8 Key Assessment 

Topic 1 

Elements of Music/ Music For Film and TV

Performance assessment focused on the fundamentals of music and how visual and sound link.

Freestyle Music 


Performance and composition assessment focused on the history of modern rap and hip-hop music 

Topic 2 

World Music 

Performance/ Composition assessment focused on different musical cultures combined 

Impressionism  and Minimalism 

Composition and performance assessment focused on Conventions, Style & Genre and how Music and Art interrelate historically

Topic 3 

DJ Techniques

Practical exam based on composition and performance using DJ techniques 

The Blues

Composition and performance assessment focused on Conventions, Style & Genre of Blues Music

Topic 4 

Vocal Mashup and Ukulele Performance

Performance/ Composition assessment focused on using voice and instruments 

Seven Nation Army

Performance/ Composition assessment focused on using voice and instruments 

Year 9


Y9 Content 

Y9 Key Assessment 

Topic 1 

What Makes A Good Song 

Composition assessment based on the conventions of Pop Music 

Topic 2 

Post Modernism 

Performance assessment focused on Conventions, Style & Genre 

Topic 3 

African Drumming 

Performance and peer assessment focused on Analysis and Evaluation of cultural techniques 

Topic 4 

DJ Techniques

Practical exam based on composition and performance using DJ techniques 

Topic 5

Listening Skills

Written assessment focused on Exam technique 

Topic 6

Independent Study 

Students use research and composition skills to follow parameters, researching a topic of interest for them.  

 At GCSE students are introduced to the theoretical element of music and use the skills they have developed throughout key stage 3. GCSE students all learn to play an instrument with a dedicated instrumental lesson each week. Students complete practical based coursework focussing on performance and composition as well as a written exam focussed on the appraisal set works alongside demonstrating their musical listening skills.
At Key stage 5 students study the Edexcel BTEC in Music Technology, this sees them develop skills in producing and recording music. Students are given the opportunities to run whole school events in addition to creating and recording music, many of our students continue their music studies in further education.



Y10 Content 

Y10 Key Assessment 

Y11 Content 

Y11 Key Assessment 

Autumn 1 

  • Introduction to GCSE
  • Instrumental Music 1700–1820 set works
  • Performing

Summative Unit Test: Practice exam questions 

Composition and Performance Controlled Assessment Occur throughout. 

  • Revision of Year One areas of study
  • World Music Fusions set works
  • Performing

Summative Unit Test: Practice exam questions 

Composition and Performance Controlled Assessment Occur throughout. 

Autumn 2 

  • Instrumental Music 1700–1820 wider listening
  • Vocal Music set works
  • Performing

Summative Unit Test: Practice exam questions 

Composition and Performance Controlled Assessment Occur throughout. 

  • World Music Fusions wider listening
  • Composing to a brief
  • Performing

Summative Unit Test: Formal Mock Exam 

Composition and Performance Controlled Assessment Occur throughout. 

Spring 1 

  • Vocal Music set works
  • Vocal Music wider listening
  • Performing

Summative Unit Test: Practice exam questions 

Composition and Performance Controlled Assessment Occur throughout. 

  • Composing to a brief
  • Performing (Ensemble and Solo Recording)

Summative Unit Test: Practice exam questions 

Ensemble and Solo Performance Assessment


Spring 2 

  • Music for Stage and Screen set works
  • Free composition
  • Performing

Summative Unit Test: Practice exam questions 

Composition and Performance Controlled Assessment Occur throughout. 

  • Revision of all set works
  • Complete composition to a brief

Summative Unit Test: Practice exam questions 

Composition Work Completed. 

Summer 1 

  • Music for Stage and Screen set works
  • Music for Stage and Screen wider listening
  • Free composition
  • Performing

Summative Unit Test: Practice exam questions 

Composition and Performance Controlled Assessment Occur throughout. 

  • Practicing listening skills
  • Practise wider listening

Summative Unit Test: Practice exam questions 


Summer 2 

  • Music for Stage and Screen wider listening
  • Free composition
  • Performing

Summative Unit Test: Formal Mock Exam 

Composition Recording

Final appraisal exam takes place 


Year 12 & 13

Year 12 and 13 

Pearson BTEC National Diploma in Music Technology 

Unit No & Title  

Assignment No & Title 

Learning Objective 

Assessment Criteria 

Assessment Date 

Unit 3: Music and Sound For Media 

Assignment 1: Creative Media Soundtrack Article 

A: Understand the use of music and sound in media products 

3/A.D1   3/A.M1    3/A.P1   3/A.P2 

Spring Term 1 

Unit 3: Music and Sound For Media 

Assignment 2: Portfolio 

B: Develop sound for use in media products  C: Develop music for media products 

3/B.D2  3/C.D3  3/B.M2  3/C.M3  3/B.P3  3/B.P4  3/C.P5  3/C.P6 

Spring Term 1 

Unit 8: Creative Synthesis and Sampling 

Assignment 1: Job Interview 

A: Understand the functions of synthesisers and samplers 

8/A.D1  8/A.M1  8/A.P1 

Summer Term 1 

Unit 8: Creative Synthesis and Sampling 

Assignment 2: Job Promotion 

B: Explore the use of synthesisers and samplers to create, capture and manipulate sounds  C: Carry out the production of music using synthesisers and samplers 

8/B.D2  8/B.M2  8/B.P2 8/C.D3  8/C.M3  8/C.P3 

Summer Term 1 

Unit 10 - Remixing and Reworking 

Assignment 1: Subject Choice and Proposal  

A: Understand a variety of remixing techniques 

10/A.P1  10/A.M1  10/A.D1 

Summer Term 2 

Unit 10 - Remixing and Reworking 

Assignment 2: Mixing and Remixing MIDI 

B: Explore, by developing and reviewing, remixing styles and  production techniques  C: Carry out a remix using audio and MIDI sequencing techniques 

10/B.P2  10/B.M2  10/B.D2 10/C.P3  10/C.M3  10/C.D3 

Summer Term 2 

Unit 18: Working and Developing as a Production Team 

Assignment 1: From start to finish – Planning and creating an album 

A: Understand the different roles and responsibilities involved in the music production process 

18/A.D1  18/A.M1  18/A.M2  18/A.P1  18/A.P2 

Spring Term 2 

Unit 18: Working and Developing as a Production Team 

Assignment 2: ‘From start to finish – Creating and reviewing the production of an album.’ 

B: Undertake a music production project  C: Review the music production project 

18/B.D2  18/B.M3  18/B.P3  18/C.D3  18/C.M4  18/C.P4  18/C.P5 

Spring Term 2 


 Further information from

Barnwell Show - Chicago
Jay Peak Ski Trip
Costa Brava School Trip