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Psychology students at Barnwell School will be inquisitive and motivated to learn more about the key issues and debates within the study of human behaviour. They will develop a greater sense of ethical issues surrounding the study of human behaviour and in turn develop a greater sense of tolerance and understanding. They will explore how understanding psychology has real world applications and how it is crucial to our everyday life. They will learn to challenge and question the power of social influence, conformity and enhance their understanding of mental health related illnesses making them feel more confident, autonomous and equipped for their future lives.

Learning Journey


Barnwell School Learning Journey psychology BTEC3

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Curriculum Map 




Y10 Content

Y10 Key Assessment

Y11 Content

Y11 Key Assessment

Autumn 1

Introduction to Psychology Approaches


Criminal Psychology

Formative Task:

Exam questions on approaches – peer assessed


Summative Unit: Criminal Psychology Exam

Social Influence



Formative Task: Revision layering activities


Summative Assessment: Social Influence exam questions

Autumn 2


Formative Task: Conducting own experiments


Summative Task: Experimental Write Up 

Descriptive Statistics



Formative Task:

Maths skills


Summative Assessment: Memory exam questions

Spring 1


Formative Task: Long answer exam question prepared and assessed together

Summative Task: Exam questions on Development


Formative Tasks: Graph drawing activities


Summative Assessment: Research methods overview exam questions

Spring 2

Self Reports


Psychological Problems

Formative Assessment: Case studies of Mental Health

Summative Assessment: Self reports written report

Sleep and Dreaming



Formative Assessment: Exam Skills


Summative Assessment: Sleep and Dreaming exam questions

Summer 1

Psychological Problems


Formative Assessment: Observation practical work


Summative Assessment: Psychological problems exam questions




Formative Assessment: Peer Assessed past papers


Summative Assessment: Past exam papers under exam conditions

Summer 2




Formative Assessment: Correlations practical work

Summative Assessment: End of year Mock exam



Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behaviour. The OCR course allows students to develop an understanding of their self and others and helps them to explain how psychology can be used to explain everyday social phenomena. Furthermore, students are able to investigate how psychological research is conducted and are given opportunities to collect and analyse their own data.

Psychology is a popular subject which often leads to further study at A level. Whilst the GCSE course is not essential for studying the subject at A level it does provide a really good foundation for students who wish to study the subject further. Psychology students go on to a wide variety of careers as not only does the subject provide knowledge for careers within the psychology field itself it also develops transferable skills. A few possible career options include working within the police force, counselling, working within the sport environment, education, personnel and working within the healthcare sector

The course is assessed in two examinations at the end of the second year of study. Both papers are 1 hour 30 minutes long with each being worth 50% of the total GCSE grade. Within each paper a selection of psychological topics and research methods will be covered.

Further details here, and from



Year 12 content

Key Assessments

Year 13 content

Key Assessments


UNIT 1 Psychological Approaches


Cognitive and Social Approach

Summative test on the two approaches  


Formative Assessment coursework for Unit 2 Task 1


UNIT 3 Stress, behavioural addiction and physiological addiction

Summative test Unit 3

Unit 4 coursework formative assessment  

UNIT 2 Learning Aim A Principles of Research, Key Terms and the research process

UNIT 4 Criminal psychology

Learning Aim A Approaches to explaining criminal behaviour



Psychological approaches

Learning and Biological Approach

Summative test on the two approaches


Formative Assessment coursework for unit 2 Task 1

UNIT 3 Promotion of positive behavioural change

January exam on Unit 3


Unit 4 coursework – formative assessment  

UNIT 2 Learning Aim B: Planning research to investigate psychological questions

UNIT 4 – Learning Aim B Punishment and behaviour modification



Use of psychology to explain contemporary issues of aggression in society

Mock Exam for Unit 1


Formative assessment coursework for unit 2 Task 2

UNIT 3 Overview

Unit 4 coursework formative assessment




Learning Aim C

Carry out pilot study to explore current issues in psychology

UNIT 4 – Learning Aim C Creating offender profiles


UNIT 1 Use of psychology in business to explain and influence consumer behaviour

Summative Test on Consumer behaviour


Formative assessment coursework unit 2 Task 2

UNIT 4 Finishing coursework

Resit lessons

Unit 4 coursework – formative assessment

UNIT 2 Learning Aim D Review implications of research into psychological inquiry  


UNIT 1 Application of psychology to explain gender.  

End of year exam – Unit 1

Summative test Lifestyle choices

Review of course

Preparation for resits

Second opportunity to take Unit 1 and 3 exams

UNIT 3 Lifestyle choice and health related behaviours  


UNIT 3 Stress, behavioural addiction and physiological addiction


Summative test   Unit 3



BTEC Applied psychology, allows for students to gain a deeper understanding of psychology, with a focus on how psychology is used and applied within the world. The course consists of four units, two of which are externally assessed and two of which are coursework based. The first externally assessed unit focuses on psychological approaches and how they can be used to explain aggression within society, consumer behaviour and gender formation. This will be assessed in an exam at the end of year 12. The first coursework-based unit focuses on research methods and allows for the opportunity for students to conduct, analyse and evaluate their own psychological research. Within year 13 students sit a second exam in January which focuses on the unit of Health psychology. This includes topics such as stress, addiction and how to make health related behavioural changes. Finally, the second coursework unit focuses on criminal psychology in which students get to learn about psychological theories on what causes people to become criminals, the use of punishment and offender profiling.

This qualification is an Extended Certificate which means that it is equivalent in terms of UCAS points to an A level course.

Further details here, and from



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