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Health and Social Care


Health and Social Care students at Barnwell School will have a keen interest in learning how to care for people in a health, social or care setting and consider some of the dilemmas many of these individuals face. They will understand the importance of ensuring care values are adhered to, ensuring the maintenance of good health and well-being. They will be encouraged to develop and improve their knowledge and understanding of the different health and social care settings. They will apply their learning to a real life setting and be able to demonstrate transferable skills and thus enhance their employability and understanding of how key services function.

Faculty Overview 

What makes us who we are?  Why do we behave as we do? Do we live in a caring society?  What does it mean to be healthy?  

These are very difficult questions to answer and require an understanding of people. People are highly complex creatures and have been the focus of scientific study for many years.  

Sociologists and Psychologists study people and draw on key concepts such as personality or aggression. However, psychologists focus on the behaviour of individuals, sociologists focus on group behaviour, social structures and social processes that influence us. Both are social sciences that use research techniques, but psychological research is often more scientific. 

Health and Social care focus on how people develop throughout different life stages and how we provide health and social care services to support those in our society who need it.   It also explores what exactly it means to be healthy and how this is measured.  

Social Science: BTEC Level 1 /2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care 

Learning Journeys

Level 1:

BTEC L1 HSC Introductory Certificate

Level 2:

BTEC Level 2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care

Level 3

BTEC L3 HSC Diploma Learning JourneyBTEC L3 H SC Extended Certificate Learning Journey

Click the image to download.

Curriculum Map  



Y10 Content 

Y10 Key Assessment 

Y11 Content 

Y11 Key Assessment 

Autumn 1 

Topic title 

Component 1 - Human Lifespan Development  

Learning aim A – Understanding Human Growth and 

Formative Task: 

Development. Coursework assignment. 

Summative Unit Test 

Topic title 

Component 3 

Health and Wellbeing 

A Factors that affect health and wellbeing. 

B Interpreting Health Indicators 

Summative Unit Test 

Half term test. 

Autumn 2 

Topic title 

Component 1 - Human Lifespan Development  

Learning aim B  

Investigate how individual deal with life events.   

Formative Task 

Coursework assignment 

Topic title 

Component 3 

Health and Wellbeing 

C. Person centred health and wellbeing improvement plans 

Summative Unit Test 

Mock exam 

Spring 1 

Improvement time given for Component 1 coursework. 

Topic title 

Component 2 – Health and Social Care Services and Values  

Learning aim A. Understand different types of health and social care services and barriers to accessing them.   

Formative Task 

Coursework assignment. 

Topic title 

Component 3 

Health and Wellbeing 

Exam February 

Spring 2 

What are Care Values? 

Learning aim B.  

Demonstrate care values and review own practice 

Formative Task. 

Start preparation for demonstration of care values 


Summer 1 

Demonstrate care values – role play 1. Feeding an Adult who can’t feed themselves 

Formative Task 

Role play 

Peer assessment 


Teacher assessment 


Option to re-take Component 3  May/June 

Summer 2 

Demonstrate care values – role play 2. Arts and Crafts Activity for Children with Learning Disablilties. 

Formative Task 

Role play 

Peer assessment 


Teacher assessment 


Social Science: BTEC National Level 3 Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care:



Y12 Content 

Y12 Key Assessment 

Y13 Content 

Y13 Key Assessment 

Autumn 1 

Topic title 

Unit 1 – Human Lifespan Development (Externally Assessed – May/June) 

Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social growth and development through the life stages. 

Unit 5 – Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs. – internally assessed coursework. 

Summative topics tests.  

On-going exam question practise. 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Topic title 

Unit 2 – Working in Health and Social Care 

Continue with the roles and responsibilities of people who work in health and social care settings. 

The roles of organisations in the health and social care sector. 

Unit 12 – Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs 

Summative topics tests.  

On-going exam question practise. 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Autumn 2 

Unit 1 – continued. Factors that affect growth and development across the life stages. 

Nature v nurture, genetic and biological, social and cultural, environmental, economic 

Unit 5 – Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs. – internally assessed coursework. 

Summative topics tests 

On-going exam question practise. 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Unit 2 – continued.  Working with people with specific needs in the health and social car sector.  

Unit 12 – Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs 

Summative topics tests.  

On-going exam question practise 

Mock Exam 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Spring 1 

Unit 1 – continued. Major life events that affect development – predictable and unpredictable 

Effects of ageing. 

Physical changes, psychological changes, societal changes. 

Unit 5 – Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs. – internally assessed coursework. 

Summative Unit assessment. 

Mock 1 paper 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Unit 2 continued 

Unit 12 – Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs 

Preparation for Unit 1 re-take exam. 


Exam January 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Spring 2 

Unit 1 continue. Revision and practice questions 

Unit 5 – Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs. – internally assessed coursework. 

Summative Unit assessment.  

Mock 2 paper. 

Formative coursework assessment 

Preparation for Unit 1 and 2 re-take exams. 


Unit 12 – Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Summer 1 

Unit 1 continued. 

Unit 5 – Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs. – internally assessed coursework. 

Unit 1 Exam – May/June 

Formative coursework assessment 

Unit 1 and 2 re-take exams May/June 

Unit 12 – Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs 

Formative coursework assessment 

Summer 2 

Start Unit 2 – Working in Health and Social Care.  Externally Assessed January.  

Rights and responsibilities of people who work in health and social care. 

Unit 5 – Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs. – internally assessed coursework. 

Formative assessment. Research job roles and responsibilities. 

Final - Formative coursework assessment 

Unit 12 – Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs 

Final - Formative coursework assessment 

Social Science: BTEC National Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care – same as Extended Certificate plus the following:



Y12 Content 

Y12 Key Assessment 

Y13 Content 

Y13 Key Assessment 

Autumn 1 

Topic title 

Unit 7 – Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care 

Unit 8 – Promoting Public Health 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Topic title 

Unit 4 – Enquires into Current Research in Health and Social Care 

Unit 19 – Nutritional Health 

Summative topics tests.  

Externally assessed controlled assessment.  Research practise. 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Autumn 2 

Topic title 

Unit 7 – Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care 

Unit 8 – Promoting Public Health 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Unit 4 – Enquires into Current Research in Health and Social Care 

Unit 19 – Nutritional Health 

 Summative topics tests.  

Externally assessed controlled assessment.  Research practise. 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Spring 1 

Topic title 

Unit 7 – Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care 

Unit 8 – Promoting Public Health 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Unit 4 – Enquires into Current Research in Health and Social Care 

Unit 19 – Nutritional Health 

Summative topics tests.  

Externally assessed controlled assessment.  Research practise. 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Spring 2 

Topic title 

Unit 7 – Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care 

Unit 8 – Promoting Public Health 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Unit 4 – Enquires into Current Research in Health and Social Care 

Unit 19 – Nutritional Health 

Summative topics tests.  

Externally assessed controlled assessment.  Research practise. 

Mock controlled assessment 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Summer 1 

Topic title 

Unit 7 – Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care 

Unit 8 – Promoting Public Health 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Formative coursework assessment. 

Unit 4 – Enquires into Current Research in Health and Social Care 

Unit 19 – Nutritional Health 

Summative topics tests.  

Externally assessed controlled assessment.  Research practise. 

Controlled Assessment May/June 

Final - Formative coursework assessment. 

Summer 2 

Topic title 

Unit 7 – Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care 

Unit 8 – Promoting Public Health 

Final - Formative coursework assessment. 

Final -Formative coursework assessment. 


Social Science BTEC National Level 3 Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care – same as Diploma plus the following:



Y12 Content

Y12 Key Assessment

Y13 Content

Y13 Key Assessment


Autumn 1









Topic Title

Unit 3: Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care.

Learners cover the structure, organisation and function of the human body, and anatomical and physiological systems and medical research related to disorders affecting these systems.


Exam Unit

Topic Title

Unit 6: Work Experience in Health and Social Care

Learners explore the benefits of work experience. They carry out and reflect on a period of work experience, and plan for personal and professional development. 


Coursework Unit

Autumn 2








Topic Title

Unit 11: Psychological Perspectives

Learners explore key theoretical perspectives that have been put forward on psychological and physical development and how they are applied in different health and social care settings.

Coursework Unit

Topic Title

Unit 14: Physiological Disorders and their Care

Learners explore types of physiological disorders, the procedures for diagnosis, and the development of a treatment plan and provision of support for service users.

Coursework Unit

Spring 1




Continue with Unit 3 and 11.


Choice of 1 more optional unit (TBA)

Coursework assessed.

Spring 2






Continue with Unit 3 and 11

Unit 3 Exam May


Unit 11 Coursework assessment

Continue with final Optional unit (TBA)


Summer 1






Start preparing for Unit 6 Work Experience in Health and Social Care



Complete final Optional unit (tba)

Coursework assessed.

Summer 2


Topic Title




Further details from

Barnwell Show - Chicago
Jay Peak Ski Trip
Costa Brava School Trip