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Teaching & Learning Team

At Barnwell we believe that outstanding and inspiring teaching is essential to ensure all our students reach the very best they are capable of. Our staff work tirelessly to continually improve and develop teaching practice to maximise the learning of our students. Our school’s strapline in ‘Achieving Excellence Together’ and this lies at the heart of everything we do.

We have a highly experienced and skilled team of Lead Practitioners who constantly lead the development of our learning community. On a weekly basis, they make a much valued contribution to the development of our teaching practice across the school, leading on a number of successful developmental strategies.

Please also visit our Why Barnwell? feature page to read of the opportunities and experiences enjoyed by a number of our current staff, at contrasting stages of their careers.

Marie Hart

Marie Hart

Formerly an Advanced Skills Teacher for whole school teaching and learning and Geography. I am now a Lead Practitioner with responsibility for stretch and challenge and memory enhancing strategies. My first degree was in Physical Geography at Reading University. This was followed by a MSc in Transport Planning and Management. I studied for my PGCE at Reading University

Although I have been teaching for twenty-five years, I have and continue to relish the opportunity to research, embrace and deliver new methods and techniques to both students and staff. Former areas of responsibility include the successful GO coaching programme and the development of creative ICT across the curriculum.

Alice Mitchell

Alice Mitchell

As an ex-Barnwell pupil I now teach Maths here and have a strong belief in promoting and creating confident, successful and passionate students. I studied for my Maths degree at the University of Hertfordshire and also completed my PGCE there.

I enjoy finding new ways of teaching and learning and sharing with my department and other members of staff. I like to trial new methods and continuously improve my practice. I have a keen focus on technology in the classroom and how we can utilise this to ensure students have the best possible experience. Making sure we can evolve with the changing world around us and help prepare young people for their futures.

Holly Emmett


I am a reflective practitioner, with an ever-evolving knowledge of pedagogy and a positive growth mindset. I actively seek to use both CPD and pedagogical knowledge to share good practice, develop subject knowledge and to support students and staff to reach their full potential.

As well as a classroom English teacher, I also lead the development and coaching of New and Early Career Teachers.

I continue to strive to provide consistency, challenge and inspire creativity in all aspects of my roles.

Nev Guijarro


As an avid scientist, I take a keen interest in the science behind cognitive learning and use this not only to develop quality meaningful and effective lessons, but to network and share ideas with staff.

I never stop learning myself and take pride in my own professional development to further enhance my pedagogy.

In the last decade prior to my time at Barnwell, I have taken roles as coordinator in stretching and challenging high attaining students; running cross-curricular and extra-curricular projects; building engaging schemes of learning; running and developing a department; leading the Scholars programme with The Brilliant Club for GCSE students, running the Student Breakthrough programme for student wellbeing, and teacher training for INSET.

Most recently I completed my NPQ in Senior Leadership which was extremely valuable in looking at a whole school holistic approach to Teaching and Learning, and I am leading on Adaptive teaching at Barnwell.

Barnwell Show - Chicago
Jay Peak Ski Trip
Costa Brava School Trip