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Food Bank

In 2018 we introduced the Barnwell Food Bank. During 2019-20 and the impact of COVID-19, we enhanced our provision to support more families in need and those with rapidly changing circumstances. This saw food parcels delivered by members of school staff and donations from our students, staff, local businesses and the wider community.

Register for support

We are aware of the ever challenging financial times the nation is experiencing along with our community.

We aim to support families during the financial crisis where we can and are able to signposting or refer to services that can provide additional guidance.

Please follow the link to register for support from the school food bank. A member of our team will be in touch.

Supporting our efforts

Food bank

We are looking for donations to make up typical food parcels which include:

Cereal / cereal bars
Tinned soup
Dried pasta / noodles
Tinned tomatoes / pasta sauce
Tinned beans / spaghetti
Tinned meat
Tinned vegetables
Tinned fruit / desserts / jam
Crackers, biscuits and treats
UHT milk
UHT Fruit juice / cordial

Many food banks also provide essential non-food items such as toiletries (eg. toilet paper, shower gel, shaving gel, shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste), household items (washing up liquid, washing powder) and baby goods (baby wipes, baby food).

Please note that we cannot accept any perishable or fresh goods.

Pre-used carrier bags also come in useful to package items up for delivery

Thank you for supporting our school with this venture. We really appreciate your kind donations.

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