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Three-Dimensional Design


At Barnwell students are taught to develop their creativity and ideas and increase proficiency in their development. We encourage them to develop a critical understanding of artists, architects, and designers, expressing reasoned judgements that can inform their own work. We aim for students to develop a range of technical skills and knowledge which they are then able to use in the development and manufacture of products throughout KS3,4 and 5.

As an Art, Design and Technology department we follow the AQA Exam Board for GCSE and A Level, as we believe the content of the course allows students to be independent in their exploration as they develop as young artists and designers. We feel the value of analysis and critical understand underpins the value of practical elements of the course and naturally reinforces the course. We feel that this process is vital for our students at Barnwell, as they thrive in a vocational setting, therefore gaining a deeper and richer knowledge overall.

Within our Art, Design and Technology curriculum we embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality Art, Design and Technology education should engage, inspire, and challenge students, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own designs and products.

The national curriculum for art, design and Technology aims to ensure that all students:

Learning Journey

3D Design Learning Journey

The learning journey may be downloaded by clicking the image.

Curriculum Maps

KS3 Rotation content for the Acrylic Clock Project 


Key Areas/Tasks 


Lesson 1 

Introduction to Technology 

Project introduction - Booklets 

Health & Safety explanation. 

Key words and literacy focus. 

Introduction Acrylic and hand tools. 

FPT introduction – Practical 


Teacher assessment of use of tools. 

Lesson 2 

Aim of lesson – Discussion/Demo 

Understanding different types of cutting tool/Saws and files (draw and cross filing) 

Correct handling of tools and materials/ How to manipulate acrylic  

Continue of cutting and shaping. 

FPT cut and shape  

Work log - Evaluation. 

Pupil peer and self-assessment. 

Teacher assessment of use of tools. 

Lesson 3 

Aim of lesson – Discussion/Demo 

Tolerances – 1mm, 2mm. 

Demo of pillar drill/safety and use. 

Plastic properties. 

How to manipulate acrylic – brittle/vice use, marks on acrylic/soft jaws. 

FPT cut and shape use of wet and dry edges. 

Teacher mark. 

Peer marking.  

Teacher/self-assessment of measurement/accuracy. 

Use exemplar on desks. 

Lesson 4 

Aim of lesson – Discussion/Demo 

Generate ideas for clock. 

Develop the clock idea/Model idea. 

Work log -  Evaluation. 

Pupil green pen. 

Teacher Summative assessment of appropriate designs based upon FPT. Functionality of idea. 

Lesson 5 

Aim of lesson – Discussion/Demo 

Measure clock parts and cut out using appropriate equipment. 

Set up and use machinery safely and appropriately. 

Pupil peer and self-assessment. 

Teacher assessment of level of accuracy, finish of pieces. 

Lesson 6 

Aim of lesson – Discussion/Demo 

Cut and shape clock parts use wet and dry to create appropriate level of finish. 

Pupil peer and self-assessment. 

Teacher assessment of level of accuracy, finish of pieces. 

Lesson 7 

Final assemble of clock 

Safe use of Tensol Cement. 

Evaluation of project (verbal) 

Work log -  Evaluation. 

Teacher Mark 

Lesson 8 

Aim of lesson – Discussion/Demo 

Discuss possible improvements. 

Make any final improvements. 

Redo any FPT tasks to improve grade previously given. 

Pupil green pen. 

Final teacher Summative assessment. 




Y9 Content

Y9 Key Assessment

Rotation 1

Topic title:

Pencil Case Project:


  • Wood types
  • Reading orthographic drawings
  • Workshop hand tools and manufacturing methods
  • Gluing
  • Jointing
  • Surface finishing
  • Veneering and vacuum forming.


Assessed project work at the end of the unit.

Rotation 2

Desk lamp Project:


  • Drawing and communication including Google SketchUp.
  • Modelling to scale
  • Tools and workshop processes
  • CAD and Laser cutting CAM manufacturing processes
  • Jointing methods
  • Finishing methods
  • LED lighting.

Assessed project work at the end of the unit.

Students will complete these two projects over the course of the year, rotating between them with their other chosen specialism within Design and Technology.




Y10 Content

Y10 Key Assessment

Y11 Content

Y11 Key Assessment

Autumn 1/2

Topic title:

Component 1 

Introduction – Recording Skills + Themed Product Design Projects (TBC) 

  • Drawing, sketching and application Colour /rendering
  • Properties of materials/plastics/working with plastics
  • Google sketchUp/CADCAM developments
  • Laser Cutting

Drawing/Observation/Imagination + Critical Analysis exploring artists methods + Exploring + developing ideas using a range of media + processes. 


Formative Task:

Ongoing progress checks on portfolio.


Topic title:

Component 1

  • Personal independent project – internally set theme(s) 
  • Research, develop + refine final chosen idea(s) 

Formative Task:

Ongoing progress checks on portfolio.

Autumn 2

Topic title:

  • 1st Personal independent project – internally set theme(s) 
  • Research, develop + refine final chosen idea(s) 


Formative Task:

Ongoing progress checks on portfolio



Topic title:

  • Realisation of 1st final outcome 
  • Refined final outcome (if necessary) 
  • Present personal portfolio 
  • Component 1 submitted for assessment.  


Formative Task:

Ongoing progress checks on portfolio

Summative Unit Test:

Submit component 1 for assessment.

Spring 1

Topic title:

  • Realisation of 1st final outcome 
  • Refined final outcome (if necessary) 
  • Present personal portfolio 
  • Component 1 submitted for assessment.  


Summative Unit Test:

Submit Component 1 for assessment.

Topic title:


Formative Task:


Spring 2

Topic title:

Component 1 

  • 2nd Personal independent project – internally set theme(s) 
  • Research, develop + refine final chosen idea(s) 
  • Realisation of 1st final outcome 
  • Refined final outcome (if necessary) 


Formative Task:


Ongoing progress checks on portfolio


Summative Unit Test:


Topic title:

Component 2 

Component 2 – Externally Set Assignment – Theme assigned by AQA exam board + Theme issued in the first week of term + 8 weeks to produce preparatory work studies to support given theme + Research, record, develop, review, refine + produce FINAL outcome (10 hours’ practical exam in exam conditions) 


Summative Unit Test:


Summer 1

Topic title:

  • Present personal portfolio 
  • Component 1 submitted for assessment.  


Summative Unit Test:

Component 1 Submitted for assessment.

Topic title:

Component 2 

Component 2 – Externally Set Assignment – Theme assigned by AQA exam board + Theme issued in the first week of term + 8 weeks to produce preparatory work studies to support given theme + Research, record, develop, review, refine + produce FINAL outcome (10 hours’ practical exam in exam conditions)  


Summative Unit Test:

Externally Set Assessment 10 Hours.

Summer 2

Topic title:


Review of component 1.


Develop areas of learning and focus upon specific skills needed for the next project.


Modelling / CADCAM


Clay modelling


Joining techniques in a variety of materials


Surface finishes of a variety of materials


Investigation of further machine and hand processes.

Formative Task:

Summative Unit Test:

Topic title:

Component 1 + Component 2 

Presentation of portfolio + Externally Set Assignment Exhibition 


Summative Unit Test:

Externally set Assignment Exhibition.

Further details of the AQA GCSE Art & Design: 3D Design course can be found here. Please go to section 3.8: Three Dimensional Design. 


Course: 3D Design

Y12 Content

Y12 Key Assessment

Y13 Content

Y13 Key Assessment

Autumn 1

Nuts about Jewellery

students are introduced to metal work by designing and developing a ring from a Brass M10 nut. This will involve observational drawing, working with the metal lathe, understanding how to anneal, file and shape the metal to create the desired form. The students then work on the Polishing Mops to finish of the ring.  


A Level Component 1

Continue with Personal Investigation

Autumn 2

3D Natural Forms

3D Natural Forms: Students are introduced to ceramic work based on nature/the natural world. The students investigate a range of sources from artist to designers and existing work. Through various forms of research via visuals and drawings, students develop a design influence by nature that they will create through ceramic work using materials and processes such as: Clay, Modroc, Clay casting, wire work etc 

A Level Component 1

Continue with Personal Investigation

Spring 1

Interior Design and Perspective

Students will be designing the interior of a room, developing its original use to something else. The choice of room is determined by the teacher. Students are also challenged with various drawing tasks.  


Drawing a room 

Drawing a city scene – 1 point perspective 

Developing and learning how to draw to scale in 1 point perspective.  

Designing areas and layouts using 2D elevation drawings 

Using Photoshop and 2D design to create digital views/renderings. 

Based on these skills, the students will then survey the room for measurements, create several design ideas based on the concept and then model the final out come through a scaled model.  


A Level Component 2 – Externally set Assignment

This is a 15 hour design and make exam. Design briefs will be written and provided by the exam board usually around the February 1st. Following receipt of the paper students should consider the starting points and select one. Students will have a set period for their Preparatory work which should be presented in any suitable format, such as mounted sheets, design sheets, sketchbooks, workbooks, journals, models and maquettes. 

Following the preparatory period, students must complete 10 hours of unaided, supervised time where they build/construct/create their final answer to their chosen brief informed by their preparatory work. 


Spring 2

A Level Component 1

The students will begin to focus on an area of design. This is the first major part of their A Level and will continue through to the middle of yr13.

This project is called “Personal Investigation” and should demonstrate the student’s ability to sustain work from an initial starting point to a realisation. It should include evidence of their ability to research and develop ideas and link their work in a meaningful way to relevant critical/contextual materials. This is all organised in a portfolio

A Level Component 2 – Externally set Assignment

Preparation period for their 15hour exam

Summer 1

A Level Component 1

Continue with Personal Investigation

A Level Component 2 – Externally set Assignment

15 hour exam is usually sat in May. After this is completed the course is complete.

Summer 2

A Level Component 1

Continue with Personal Investigation



 Extended Independent Reading

The Art, Design and Technology extended reading list may be downloaded here.

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