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Art and Design KS3


At Barnwell students are taught to develop their creativity and ideas and increase proficiency in their development. We encourage them to develop a critical understanding of artists, architects, and designers, expressing reasoned judgements that can inform their own work.

As an Art and Design department we follow the AQA Exam Board for GCSE and A Level, as we believe the content of the course allows students to be independent in their exploration as they develop as young artists, designers, photographers. We feel the value of analysis and critical understand underpins the value of practical elements of the course and naturally reinforces the course. We feel that this process is vital for our students at Barnwell, as they thrive in a vocational setting, therefore gaining a deeper and richer knowledge overall. These elements are embedded into our KS3 Curriculum from Y7-9.

Within our Art and Design curriculum we embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire, and challenge students, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft, and design.

The national curriculum for art and design aims to ensure that all students:


 Art & Design Learning Journey

Art and Design Learning Journey new5

 Click the image to download. 

Curriculum Map

KS3 Art & Design Yr 7 Content Yr 7 Key Assessment Yr 8 Content Yr 8 Key Assessment
Autumn 1 Insects - Drawing and Observational Skills
  • Observing textures through mark marking.
  • Drawing and printing with Oil Pastels.
  • Analysing the Artist Abby Diamond
  • Mono-Printing methods.
  • Testing watercolour paints through mixing and exploration.
Observational Drawing using the grid method to explore proportion, scale and shape.

Observing surface textures through mark making.

Still Life: Drawing and Observational Skills

  • Observing textures through mark marking.
  • Drawing and printing with Oil Pastels.
  • Analysing the Artist Georgio Morandi
  • Mono-Printing methods.

Observational Drawing using the grid method to explore proportion, scale and shape.

Observing surface textures through mark making.

Autumn 2 Insects - Tanzanian Art
  • Observational Drawing
  • Collage/Painting.
  • Analysing Tingatinga paintings.
Presentation of mixed media outcome of insect combined with the context of Tingatinga art. Still Life: Drawing and Observational Skills
  • Observing textures through mark marking.
  • Drawing and printing with Oil Pastels.
  • Analysing the Artist Henri Matisse and Michael Craig Martin. 
  • Mono-Printing methods.
Presentation of mixed media outcome of insect combined with the context of art from Henri Matisse and Michael Craig Martin. 
Spring 1 Under the Sea - Drawing and Observational Skills
  • Drawing and blending with oil pastels.
  • Observing textures through mark marking.
  • Analysing the Artist Debbie Lattimore.
  • Testing watercolour paints through mixing and exploration.
Observational Drawing using the grid method to explore proportion, scale and shape.

Observing blending and mixing colour and/or pencil drawing.

Pop Art

  • Observing 3D form.
  • Analysing the Artist Roy Lichtenstein. 
  • Testing colour through mixing and exploration.  

Observational Drawing using the grid method to explore proportion, scale and shape.

Observing blending and application of pencil shading. 

Spring 2 Under the Sea - Observing and creating 3D Forms.
  • Crafting with 3-Dimensional materials.
  • Drawing and painting surfaces.
  • Mono-Printing methods.
3-Dimensional sculpture outcome.

Pop Art

  • Observing 3D form.
  • Analysing the Artist Claes Oldenburg.
  • Testing and sculpting with clay.
  • Testing and exploring colour.
3-Dimensional sculpture outcome.
Summer 1 Natural Forms - Drawing and Observational Skills
  • Proportion, scale, shape and composition explored through the use of the grid method.
  • Analysing the artist Karl Blossfeldt.
  • Drawing with Chalk and Charcoal.
  • Testing colour through mixing and exploration.
Observational Drawing using the grid method to explore proportion, scale and shape.

Observing light through shading and materials.


  • How to measure the proportions of the human face; challenging misconceptions. 
  • Drawing facial features with tone and form. 
  • Colour to express emotion. 
  • Observing continuous line. 
  • Analysing the artist Ian Berry. 
Observation of a portrait through the exploration of painting and printing methods. 
Summer 2 Natural Forms - Drawing and Observational Skills
  • Drawing and Painting
  • Analysing the artist Georgia O'Keefe
Observational Drawing using the grid method to explore proportion, scale and shape.

Observing tonal shading.


  • Analysing the artist Rowan Leckie.
  • Observing textures through combining collage and printing methods. 
  • Testing colour through mixing and exploration. 

Observational Drawing using the grid method to explore proportion, scale and shape.

Observing tonal shading.














































Year 9

Aims: ​

KS3 Art & Design

YR9 Content

YR 9 Key Assessment

Rotation 1 project

Art through the ages

Art Movements:

  • Renaissance - Michelangelo's David; Rodin's' 'Hand' sculptures'
  • Fauvism - Andre Derain & Henri Matisse's' use of colour within Portraiture.
  • Cubism - Analytical and Synthetic Cubism visualised through mixed media Still Life.
  • Abstraction - Henry Moore's Semi-Abstract Figures.
  • Working with tone, colour, line, texture & 3D.
  • Developing drawing, painting, mixed media and sculpture.

Observational studies through the application of tone, colour, texture and form. 

Proficiency and exploration of drawing, painting, mixed media and sculpture.  

Rotation 2 project

Art through the ages

Art Movements:

  • Abstract Expressionism - Jasper Johns monograms (layered lettering).
  • Op Art - Bridget Riley's geometric patterns.
  • Neo-Expressionism - Textured Landscapes inspired by Anselm Keifer & David Tress
  • Contemporary Architecture- Ian Murphy inspired drawings.
  • Contemporary Photo Realism - Food drawings inspired by Joel Penkman.
  • Working with colour, composition, shape, scale, texture and surface.
  • Developing drawing, printmaking, & mixed media collages.

Observational studies through the application of tone, colour, texture, form, scale, shape and scale. 

Proficiency and exploration of drawing, painting, printmaking and mixed media. 

Barnwell Show - Chicago
Jay Peak Ski Trip
Costa Brava School Trip