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Food & Nutrition


Food and Nutrition in our school will equip students with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to cook and apply the principles of food science, nutrition, and healthy eating. Students will design and write recipes that respond to a wide variety of problems within a range of contexts. In addition, Food Preparation and Nutrition students are taught how to become competent in a range of cooking processes such as selecting and preparing ingredients, the importance of healthy eating, the principles of nutrition, food provenance and how to adapt their own recipes. The course creates an opportunity for learners to progress into further/higher education in the field of hospitality and catering industry.

Learning Journey

Food Learning Journey new

Click the image to download.

Curriculum Map

Food and nutrition in year 7 is all about developing their understanding of hazards in the kitchen environment and the safe use of equipment. The course also develops their understanding and coordination in knife skills and cooking utensils. This is deployed through a booklet that is differentiated and structured with a range of assessments including written, interactive quizzes, visual assessment, peer assessment and self-reflection. There is a final practical assessment and a written test at the end of the rotation.

We begin Year 8 by looking at nutrition with an emphasis on developing their practical skills by looking at various aspects. In year 9 Food preparation and Nutrition curriculum builds on the foundations of year 7 and year 8 Food. Over the split rotation the students chosen option of this subject will be introduced into food science, including caramelisation, biological and chemical raising agents in food. As well as developing their understanding of doughs and pastry including high skill processes, such as choux pastry and setting mixtures. Applying the Eatwell guide to develop menu planning, nutritional needs of different people and an introduction into British and International cuisine. Students will learn how to carry out nutritional analysis with their dishes and reinforce this with a visual representation using sensory evaluation and star diagrams. Each lesson has an activity sheet or quiz for assessment, as well as a practical assessment and written assessment at the end of the course.

Students work out of folders, with handouts, and written work in order to support the same structure as in year 10 GCSE Food preparation and Nutrition. What they learn in year 9, mirrors the same content that is required in Year 10 and 11. A science investigation NEA and a practical assessment task reflects that of the International assessment that they carry out in year 9.



Y7 Content

Y7 Key Assessment

Y8 Content

Y8 Key Assessment

Y9 Content

Y9 Key Assessment


Identify the hazards, - Measure milk accurately and demonstrate how to use the hob safely: - List the characteristics we judge food, Knife safety, and equipment, timeplan and recipe research, Eatwell guide and nutrients.

Practical assessment


Summative end of rotation Quiz

Macronutrients, demonstrate knife skills, Traffic light labelling, using electrical equipment, Timeplan and recipe research preparation

Practical food skills health and safety.

Practical assessment


Summative end of rotation Quiz

Over the split rotation the students chosen option of this subject will be introduced into food science. Doughs and pastry including high skill processes, such as choux pastry and setting mixtures. Menu planning, nutritional needs of different people and an introduction into British and International cuisine. Nutritional analysis with their dishes.


Practical assessment


Written Assessments


End of theory lesson quizzes of topic

In Years 10 & 11, Food Preparation and Nutrition are integrated into five sections. This content is delivered and developed in year 10. Towards the end of year 10 the students are given an opportunity to complete a mock NEA 2 task. At the beginning of year 11 September, three tasks are released which focuses on the Students' understanding of the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients. The students have a set time to complete a written or electronic report with photographic evidence. Also completing scientific investigations to support their hypothesis and research. This concludes with an analysis and evaluation of their investigation. 

In November the second NEA task is released this is the Food Preparation assessment. Students' knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking, presentation of food and application of nutrition related to the chosen task. Students will prepare, cook and present a final menu of three dishes within a single period of no more than three hours, planning how this will be achieved. This is also supported by a written or electronic portfolio including photographic evidence of the three final dishes that they cook. In June of year 11 students will sit an external written exam which consist of the theoretical knowledge of food preparation.

The course is delivered from the specification provided by the exam board and schemes of work. Students have access to the course books and shared area for all resources that are given and handed out to students during the course. The sections are delivered and dovetailed as the specification suggests, with theory, practical, investigations and teacher demonstrations throughout the course. The students are also offered the opportunity at cost to attend a food subject specific trip in year 9, 10 and 11 which further builds their knowledge and understanding of national and international cuisines, as well as practical cookery schools and culture.



Y10 Content

Y10 Key Assessment

Y11 Content

Y11 Key Assessment

Autumn 1

  1. Food, nutrition and health
  2. Food science
  3. Food safety
  4. Food choice
  5. Food provenance



NEA 1 – Release

Research Science investigation.


NEA 2 – planning and preparation research techniques


Autumn 2

Above theory content and practical’s


Completing NEA 1

NEA 2 released.

Practical skills and research planning


Spring 1

Above theory content and practical’s


NEA 2 whole day exam complete Analysis and evaluation

Mock Exam

Spring 2

Above theory content and practical’s


Complete evaluation and analysis of NEA 2


Summer 1

Food science

Mock science NEA 1 - investigation

Continue with theory content for written food exam


Summer 2

Practical – presentation and research skills

Mock practical NEA 2 exam (3hrs)

As above


Further details of our GCSE can be found here, and from

Extended Independent Reading

The Art, Design and Technology extended reading list may be downloaded here.

Barnwell Show - Chicago
Jay Peak Ski Trip
Costa Brava School Trip