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The History curriculum at Barnwell School develops our students’ ability to understand and have knowledge of the History of Britain and the wider world. The curriculum is sequenced in a chronological narrative, which focuses on change and continuity. Along with the exposition to knowledge, the curriculum offers students the opportunity to grasp and engage in historical enquiry. Students will understand the process of change; to see how we have arrived ‘here’ and to help them to make sense of the present. History allows us to understand how the world we live in today was shaped by events in the past.

At KS3 our History curriculum is aimed to spark students' interest and enthusiasm for History and equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to write, think and debate like a historian. We want to inspire students’ curiosity to ask questions and know more about Britain’s past, and that of the wider world, and for our students to challenge perceptions of the world that they encounter. Our KS3 curriculum is designed with a chronological narrative in mind, which allows students to examine change and continuity over time.

The aim for our curriculum at GCSE is for our students to construct arguments and support them to become analytical citizens who can question human motivation and society with skill and confidence. Through our GCSE curriculum we want our students to learn how to construct arguments and balance evidence alongside knowledge of historical chronology. Students are assessed through three GCSE exam papers at the end of Year 11.

Students follow the Edexcel syllabus:
They are studying:
• Medicine in Britain, c1250–present and The British sector of the Western Front, 1914–18: injuries, treatment and the trenches.
• Henry VIII and his Ministers
• The American West 1835-1895
• Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939

The aim of the A Level curriculum at Barnwell is to engage and develop critical thinking Historians. It allows students to gain a deeper understanding of the past through political, social, economic and cultural perspectives. Students will be following the AQA syllabus, and we have elected to choose the following components:
Component 1: Breadth study – The Tudors: England, 1485–1603.
Component 2: Depth study – Revolution and dictatorship: Russia, 1917–1953.
Students also complete a Historical Investigation based on the Civil Rights in America.
We believe that these components of study allow our students to expand their wider knowledge of the construction of the world we live in today, and provide the opportunity to develop their critical thinking skills by analysing sources and interpretations. The design of the Historical Investigation also provides our students with excellent preparation skills for life beyond Barnwell, as it encourages curiosity, exploration, and consolidation of ideas.

Learning Journey


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Curriculum Map 



Y7 Content

Y7 Key Assessment

Y8 Content

Y8 Key Assessment

Y9 Content

Y9 Key Assessment

Autumn 1


“The Romans were horrible people and did nothing positive in society."

How far do you agree with this statement?

The Tudors

Henry VIII, Mary I and Edward VI

“Henry VIII changed the church for all the wrong reasons. He was selfish and greedy.”

How far do you agree with this statement?

Jack the Ripper

Explain why Jack the Ripper got away with murder.

Autumn 2

Dark Ages

“The Dark Ages were a negative and violent time to live in.”

How far do you agree with this statement?

Spanish Armada

Explain why the Spanish Armada failed.


Explain who was to blame for the sinking of the Titanic.

Spring 1


Explain why William won the Battle of Hastings.

The English Civil War

Explain why the English killed their king?

World War I

“Conditions in the trenches of World War One were like a living hell”.

How far do you agree with this statement?

Spring 2

Norman Control of England

Write a narrative account analysing Norman control.

16th Century London

Write a narrative account analysing the Great Fire of London.

Votes for Women

Explain why women got the vote in 1918.

Summer 1

Medieval Knights and King John

“The main role of the knight was to partake in crusading.”

How far do you agree with this statement?

African Civilisations

Explain why the history of African civilisations can be described as "great".

Nazi Germany

GCSE past paper including interpretation and source analysis.

Summer 2

Black Death

Explain what the consequences of the Black Death were?

Black Peoples of America

How and why was slavery abolished?


Why did the Holocaust happen?




Y10 Content

Y10 Key Assessment

Y11 Content

Y11 Key Assessment

Autumn 1

Medieval & Renaissance Medicine

GCSE 12 mark question.

GCSE 16 mark question

Nazi control and dictatorship and life in Nazi Germany

GCSE source utility question.

GCSE 16 mark question

Autumn 2

Henry VIII and his ministers: The role of Cardinal Wolesy and Thomas Cromwell

GCSE 4 mark question

GCSE 16 mark question

Henry VIII, the Reformation and its impact

GCSE 4 mark question

GCSE 16 mark question

Spring 1

American West: The early settlement West

GCSE 8 mark question

GCSE 16 mark question


Medicine in the 20th Century

GCSE 12 mark question

GCSE 12 mark question

Spring 2

Industrial Medicine and Medicine on the Western Front

GCSE 4 mark question

GCSE 8 mark source based GCSE question

American West conflicts and conquest, c1876–c1895

GCSE 8 mark question

GCSE 8 mark question

Summer 1


The Weimar Republic and the rise the Hitler and the Nazi Party

GCSE 12 mark question

GCSE source interpretation question



Summer 2

American West: The development of the Plains

GCSE 16 mark question

GCSE 8 mark question



 Further details here, or from



Y12 Content

Y12 Key Assessment

Y13 Content

Y13 Key Assessment

Autumn 1

Tudors: Henry VII

Russia: Revolution 1917

Tudors: Section A Essay

Russia: Section B Essay

Tudors: Mary I

Russia: Five Year Plans

Tudors: Section A Essay

Russia: Section B Essay

Autumn 2

Tudors: Henry VII

Russia: Bolshevik Consolidation

Tudors: Section B Essay

Russia: Section A Essay

Tudors: Edward VI

Russia: Collectivisation


Tudors: Section A&B Essay

Russia: Section A&B Essay

Spring 1

Tudors: Henry VIII

Russia: Russia under Lenin  

Tudors: Section A Essay

Russia: Section B Essay

Tudors: Elizabeth I

Russia: WWII

Tudors: Section B Essay

Russia: Section A Essay

Spring 2

Tudors: Henry VIII

Russia: Power Struggle

Tudors: Section B Essay

Russia: Section A Essay

Tudors: Elizabeth I

Russia: Stalin End


Tudors: Section A&B Essay

Russia: Section A&B Essay

Summer 1

Tudors: Henry VIII

Russia: Russia under Stalin


Tudors: Section A&B Essay

Russia: Section A&B Essay



Summer 2

NEA: Civil Rights America

NEA: Civil Rights America



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Jay Peak Ski Trip
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