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LGTBQ+ History Month - February 2022

This February marks LGBTQ+ History Month and 2022 marks 50 years since the UK’s first ever Gay Pride March in London in 1972.

Each year a new theme is chosen to mark this national celebration and this year it is Political Artists: The Arc is Long.

In recent years we have seen positive changes unfolding both nationally and locally. Changes that by in large were born out of grassroots activism, beginning with the voices of a few and multiplying into a powerful roar that demands it be noticed. Such voices gave rise to the Black Lives Matter, MeToo and Climate Change movements. LGBTQ+ movements are no different.

Taken from the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, β€œthe arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice”, this year’s theme for LGBTQ+ History Month seeks to recognise and celebrate individuals who have and who continue to challenge the status quo, fighting for the rights of those too often marginalised or forgotten.

Barnwell School will play its part on this important journey in creating an inclusive environment where LGBTQ+ members of our community can feel safe, valued and a visible part of our school. Achieving Excellence Together.

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