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World Book Day

World Book Day is on the calendar every year at Barnwell! Our celebrations incorporate the six elements which evidence shows support children to read for pleasure:

• Being read to regularly
• Access to books at home
• The ability for children to choose what they want to read
• Having trusted adults and peers sharing and recommending books
• The reading experience being enjoyable
• Designated time to read

All students at KS3 and KS4 are given a £1 book token from the World Book Day organisation which they can spend at WH Smiths either towards the cost of a book or, every year, there are a selection of £1 books on offer to purchase.

KS4 students take part in activities in tutor time and have the opportunity to enter a competition with a £10 book token as a prize!
KS3 students also take part in the competition, as well as enjoying creative activities in their English lessons on the day. These include:
Year 7: Decorating a potato as their favourite fictional character.


Year 8: Heroes and Villains mask making activity.


Year 9: Creating a fictional character using curious objects as inspiration.

These are all in line with our Barnwell Reading Golden Rule: Read Frequently; Read Quality; Read Well.

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