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Textile Design


At Barnwell we offer the Art and Design: Textile Design subject. We follow the AQA Exam Board for GCSE, as we believe the content of the course allows students to be independent in their exploration as they develop as young artists, designers, photographers. We feel the value of analysis and critical understand underpins the value of practical elements of the course and naturally reinforces the course. We feel that this process is vital for our students at Barnwell, as they thrive in a vocational setting, therefore gaining a deeper and richer knowledge overall. These elements are embedded into our KS3 Curriculum from Y7-9.

Within our Art and Design: Textile Design curriculum we embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire, and challenge students, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft, and design.

The curriculum for art and design: Textile Design aims to ensure that all students:

Our aim in Textiles is to allow students the opportunity to explore a wide range of practical skills, ranging from Hand Felt Making to Batik. The curriculum also introduces students to a variety of artists, designers and craft makers throughout, allowing pupils to be inspired and enthused by their works. Students are encouraged to design according to a brief, explore a wide range fabric dying and printing methods, hand and machine sewing and also explore techniques from different cultures. We foster an environment, that encourages pupils to gain confidence and independence when working using new practical equipment, allowing them to see projects through to a successful final outcome.

Learning Journey

Art and Design Learning Journey Textile New2

Click the image to download a copy.

Curriculum Map



Y7 Content

Y7 Key Assessment

Y8 Content

Y8 Key Assessment

Y9 Content

Y9 Key Assessment

Rotation 1

Ugly Monsters

Pupils will design and make their own soft toy, Ugly Monster. This will be a hand-crafted project, where they will have the opportunity to learn how to hand sew and each will individually design their own Monster.


They will be introduced to skills such as: 

-          Pattern drawing and cutting

-          Hand Sewing

-          Embroidery

-          Embellishing

-          Applique

End of project assessment

Batik Photo Frames

Pupils will design and make a hand dyed fabric photo frame based on Geometric patterns. They will learn how to complete the Batik fabric dying process and will hand dye their fabric individually.


They will be introduced to skills such as:

-          Pattern designing, using images to inspire a unique design

-          Batik Fabric Dying, using Batik paste

-          Fabric Crayons

-          Hand embroidery

-          Embellishing


End of project assessment

Sweet Cushions

Pupils will design and make their own cushion based on a form of confectionary. They will hand dye this fabric twice, using the Batik wax process and learn how to embellish this effectively.


They will be introduced to skills such as:

-          Mood Boards

-          Batik, using wax

-          Double dying process

-          Hand embroidery

-          Machine sewing

-          Embellishing; beads and buttons

End of project assessment

Rotation 2





Sky, Sea and Landscape

Pupils will be introduced to a range of new skills; Wet-Felt making, weaving, and sewing into photographs. Pupils will make a variety of outcome all based on images of Sky, Sea, or Landscapes.


They will be introduced to skills such as:

-          Mood Boards

-          Wet-Felt Making

-          Embroidering felt

-          Weaving onto a range of looms

-          Sewing into photographs


End of project assessment



Course: AQA GCSE Art & Design: Textile Design

Y10 Content

Y10 Key Assessment

Y11 Content

Y11 Key Assessment

Autumn Term

Component 1 – Portfolio - Coursework 60% - Texture

Pupils will explore the project ‘Texture’ by looking at a wide range of Artists. They will be introduced to lots of new practical skills that will begin to widen their Textile knowledge. Pupils will present their work in a sketchbook and larger pieces on design boards.


Skills that pupils will be introduced to:

-          Creating textured printing, by using unusual objects to print from, on a range of surfaces.

-          Creating fabric cut-outs inspired by the work of Henri Matisse.

-          Learning how to make Collagraph Plates and print from these.

-          Cutting out Stencils and printing from these.

-          Creating fabric Sculptures using a range of materials.

-          Learning to use Bondaweb in a variety of ways.

-          Mono Printing onto fabric using inverse and reverse printing.


All work produced during year 10 is part of the 60% coursework element of pupil’s final overall grade. All work will be assessed each half term. All work is assessed using the AQA assessment objectives.

Component 1 – Portfolio Coursework 60% - Mock Exam

Pupils will have a choice of three different exam topics to work from. Pupils will be expected to produce a body of work relating to their chosen topic. The work will be completed in the same way as the other two projects completed during year 10. They will also complete a mock 10-hour exam. This is where pupils will produce a final response relating to the topic they have chosen, showing inspiration from the Artist they have looked at. This is also a brilliant opportunity for pupils to understand the timings of the exam and how to effectively plan this time.

The work produced during this term will also be added to the 60% coursework element of the course. Pupils will also have a mock 10-hour exam. All this work will be assessed using the AQA assessment objectives.

Spring Term

Component 1 – Portfolio Coursework 60% - Landscapes and Natural Forms

Pupils will explore the Landscape and Natural Forms project by looking at a wide range of Artists and will be introduced to multiple new practical skills. This project focuses on different Artist own interpretations of the term Landscapes using Textile based materials. Pupils will present their work in a sketchbook and on design boards.


Skills that pupils will be introduced to:

-          Felt Making looking at the artist Moy Mackay and adding embellishment.

-          Tile Printing onto paper and fabric looking at the artist Ian Elliot.

-          Collecting a set of photographs relating to the theme.

-          Creating digital patterns using Photoshop, and these being printed onto a variety of surfaces.

-          Stitching into their own photographs looking at the artist Han Cao.

-          Learning how to effectively paint onto Silk.

-          Using Batik Wax to create a Landscape image, looking at the work of Diane Mylchreest.

-          Using patchwork to create landscape images.


All work produced during year 10 is part of the 60% coursework element of pupil’s final overall grade. All work will be assessed each half term. All work is assessed using the AQA assessment objectives.

Component 2 – Exam 40% - Externally Set Exam set by AQA.

Pupils will have a choice of seven different questions to work from. Pupils will be expected to produce a body of work relating to their chosen question and then will create a final piece in the controlled 10-hour exam. Pupils will have to work independently during the Exam module, researching their own Artists and Designers. They will also be responsible for driving their own project forward, they are expected to decide the direction and the materials they will experiment with.

10 Hour exam and the body of supporting work that fits with this topic. The exam will be assessed using the AQA assessment objectives.

Summer Term

Component 1 – Portfolio Coursework 60% - Final Pieces

Pupils have worked on two different projects over the last two terms. This has given them a wide range of skills and allowed them to look at a range of Textile Designers and Artists. During the Summer Term pupils will begin to work on larger pieces that need extended amounts of time to complete. They will use the work they have currently completed to develop their final ideas from. This will also give pupils an opportunity to independently research their own chosen artist and designer to feed into and enrichen their final outcomes.


All work produced during year 10 is part of the 60% coursework element of pupil’s final overall grade. All work will be assessed each half term. All work is assessed using the AQA assessment objectives.



Further details about our GCSE course can be found here, and from

Extended Independent Reading

The Art, Design and Technology extended reading list may be downloaded here.

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