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Student Cards

In 2023, we introduced a Student Card for all students.

This card became part of the equipment students are supposed to have with them at all times.

The card is to ensure all students maintain our high standards, along with capturing them being good and centralising student information.

There are 7 sections to the card:

Uniform Issues
This is intended to help tackle persistent uniform offenders and reward students that are immaculately dressed.

Any time a student is seen with incorrect uniform, their will be asked for their card and it will be signed by a member of staff.

Form tutors will check uniform cards in a dedicated tutor time and log a concern for any students with 3 signatures. This will generate a 30-minute detention the next evening after school

If a student is asked for their Passport card and they do not have it (left at home/lost). A lost uniform card concern will be logged, and the student will be issued with a 30-minute detention the following evening after school.

If a student has accidently left their card at home and their uniform is perfect- there will be no need for a teacher to ask for it...

If a student refuses to hand over their card, this will be logged as defiance and a sanction will be issued.

Corridor Pass
We understand on occasions that students may need to use the toilet outside of breaks and lunchtimes. Each card will have 8 spaces where students can request to leave class during lesson time. Their card will be signed each time and once all the spaces are used up, they may not permitted to leave any more lessons.

Uniform cards will be replaced for all students at the beginning of every half term. If a student loses their card, they will be issued with another, however the next version will not have the corridor pass privilege.

Uniform Pass
This will replace the need for students to have separate uniform passes.

Exit Pass
This will replace the need for exit cards

Medical Pass
This will replace the need for medical cards

At Least One Activities
Students can get this section signed when they attend co-curricular activities. This should be celebrated and rewarded

Star Learner
This is something we are looking to bring back in as part of our rewards programme. SLT when conducting climate walks will ask if there are any Star Learners, their Student Card will be signed and they will receive praise points. A message will also be sent home.



At the end of the half term, if students have any of the following:

Zero Uniform signatures
β€˜At Least One’ signature for each week of the half term
Star Learner

they can place inside the student card post box and be entered into a prize draw. They will also receive a positive message home.

To see the presentation given to students, please click this link.

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