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The aim is to build and develop the student’s skills and understanding of visual communication. This is the process by which visual information is given form and structure to communicate a message. The skills that are delivered within the Graphic design curriculum are multidisciplinary and cross curricular focusing on drawing, annotation, CAD (computer Aided Design), designing and manufacturing nets for packaging. The Graphics curriculum also introduce students to industry specialist programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator preparing our students for higher education and a career within the Graphics industry.


Learning Journey

Graphics Learning Journey new2

The Learning Journey may be downloaded by clicking the image.

Curriculum Map 

Year 7 – Isometrics Drawing

The year 7 curriculum is designed to introduce transitioning year 7 students to visual communication by developing:

We deliver these learning objectives as these construct a strong foundation to which the learners will build and develop their visual communication skills. The students will begin with a task that focuses on the use of a compass and a ruler, constructing one of two compass flowers (sometimes students are able to do two). This is lead via an instruction guide that the students follow and deploy marks and measurements in order to create the followers with the compass. This task is an enjoyable way of developing basic marking and measuring skills which they will rely on in later years when designing and developing packaging, nets or other drawing tasks.

We then briefly look at basic 3 Dimensional shapes as this is important to building their visual understanding for isometric and prospective drawing as well as designing packages. This tasks also leads the students towards key teaching elements of isometric drawing and the use of the isometric grid.

The next stage in the year 7 curriculum is understanding isometric, how to draw in isometric and how to use an isometric grid. This is the very beginning in developing the skills to visually communicate 3 Dimensionally. This is also supported by teaching the students about “Crates” as this too is an important part of drawing and building the drawing skills to a level that is suitable for the learner to communicate ideas or express themselves artistically.

Year 8 – Perspective Drawing

We continue the students learning and skill development on:

We reengage these through Perspective drawing which is the next drawing element to learn to support their ability to visual communication. This is an important element to learn as we view the world in perspective and when communicating ideas during the later years Perspective angles are important in demonstrating skill as well key elements of a design. Perspective drawing also teaches the learners how angles, vanishing points and parallel lines come together to construct 1-point perspective views.

The learning journey begins with drawing basic geometric shapes in perspective. This teaches the students the fundamental basics and transitions smoothly in crating. The students then rehearse their perspective drawing on lettering which is then followed by challenging the students to work with more complex crates rather than a typical cube or square. This helps to improve the students drawing skills, enabling them to approach more complex drawing tasks like portraiture and scenes. The final element for the year 8 graphics curriculum requires the students to draw a city scene in 1-point perspective. This task will assess how much they have learnt, and it reinforces the rules of perspective drawing. This is deployed through three dimensional shapes, fonts and letter styles and then eventually a city scene.

Year 9

The year 9 curriculum is split into two units due to the rotation system in place. The focus of the year 9 curriculum is to develop the students Computer aided design skills, research skills, visual/graphical presentation as well as layout. This is not only an essential aspect of their GCSE but it is also a key area to develop if they are to progress into further education, higher education and then industry.

Unit 1: The students are introduced to CAD specifically, Adobe Photoshop. This is an industry standard programme that is current and essential to digital marketing and image manipulation. Through a series of focused practical tasks (FPT), the students are introduced to tools and skills which eventual become more challenging as the course progresses. Using FPT’s allow us to scaffold the learning of specific tools/processes within the program and set a pace that keeps the students engaged and challenged. The students will evidence their work through screen shots that are displayed on a power point with a final assessment deployed through 2 design tasks:

These two tasks are suitable as they allow ample opportunity to evidence the various skills that they have learned along with their artistic understanding of colour, tone, composition and layout.

Unit 2: Students are introduced to the resources used in year 10 on the shared area. The focus is to train students how to use these resources in order to research and respond to a design brief. This is one of the key elements for the NCFE at KS4. This unit also has a large emphasis on theory and the importance of being able to articulate research findings, analysis, summarising a viewpoint leading to a design idea, teaching the students how to find inspiration from the work of other artists, designers and existing products. It also allows students to build an understanding of current or historic design movements such as “Pop art” or cultural influences such as the British urban scene. The student will end the unit by designing a print for a t shirt that they will manufacture and take home. T-Shirt printing will allow the students to learn the following:



Y10 Content 

Y10 Key Assessment 

Y11 Content 

Y11 Key Assessment 

Autumn 1 

Unit 1: Introduction to Graphics - Developing drawing skills in 3D – Isometric, Crating, Construction lines, elevations, dimensions and Nets, observational drawing and colour. 

Download the “Evidence & Grading Tracker” booklet.  

Download the “Unit 3 learning Outcomes” Power Point file 

Unit 2 – Graphic Design Practice – Marketing an artist of your choices through researching POP Art culture and a designer within it. 

Download the “Evidence & Grading Tracker” booklet.  

Download the “Unit 2 learning Outcomes” Power Point file 

Autumn 2 

“Word Play” 

Learning how to develop fonts styles using elements of their drawing skills and CAD via Adobe.    

Download the “Evidence & Grading Tracker” booklet.   

Download the “Unit 3 learning Outcomes” Power Point file 

Unit 2 – Graphic Design Practice – Marketing an artist of your choices through researching POP Art culture and a designer within it. 

Download the “Evidence & Grading Tracker” booklet.  

Download the “Unit 2 learning Outcomes” Power Point file 

Spring 1 

Unit 3 – Responding to a graphic design Brief – CD Packaging for a Band  

ALL content, resources and supporting materials are downloadable from the Graphics page 

Download the “Evidence & Grading Tracker” booklet.  

Download the “Unit 3 learning Outcomes” Power Point file 

Externally set assignment  

Content and information is handed on the date of the task.  


10 hours to complete the set task 

Spring 2 

Unit 3 – Responding to a graphic design Brief - Continued 

Download the “Evidence & Grading Tracker” booklet.  

Download the “Unit 3 learning Outcomes” Power Point file 

Externally set assignment – Resit  


10 hours to complete the set task 

Summer 1 

Unit 3 – Responding to a graphic design Brief – Continued and assessed 

Download the “Evidence & Grading Tracker” booklet.  

Download the “Unit 3 learning Outcomes” Power Point file 

Externally set assignment – Resit  


10 hours to complete the set task 

Summer 2 

Unit 2 – Graphic Design Practice – Marketing an artist of your choices through researching POP Art culture and a designer within it.  

Download the “Evidence & Grading Tracker” booklet.  

Download the “Unit 2 learning Outcomes” Power Point file 



Further details from

Extended Independent Reading

The Art, Design and Technology extended reading list may be downloaded here.

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