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Studying a language at Barnwell means opening minds and doorways to the wider world.
Our MFL building provides a vibrant and interactive learning space for students to develop an appreciation of diversity in other cultures and languages and foster a life-long love of language learning through a broad and structured curriculum, educational trips and cultural activities.
At Barnwell we aim to enable students to:

Barnwell is a certified Hub School, collaborating with NCELP, the National Centre of Excellence in Language Pedagogy. 

Learning Journey

MFL Learning Journey MFL 2021

Click the image to download.


Curriculum Map 



Y7 Content

Y7 Key Assessment

Y8 Content

Y8 Key Assessment

Y9 Content

Y9 Key Assessment

Autumn 1

Topic title



Unit 1: Introduction to German and Phonics









Unit 2:

Basic Language and Conversational Skills



Formative Task:



Key Phonics


New characters



Short sentences


Summative Unit Test:  Reading aloud/ Speaking



Formative Task:


Ask/ answer key questions – name, age, birthday etc


Full sentences


Summative Unit Test:  

Speaking/ Reading/ Translation

Topic title

Unit 1:

Reviewing Key Concepts

Formative Tasks:


Review Key Phonics


Improve dictionary skills


Genders/ articles




Haben/ sein










Question forms

Summative Unit Test:


Topic title


Unit 1:

Describing Family / friends/



Formative Tasks:

Extend sentences and work with longer descriptions


Apply adjective endings


Use haben and sein accurately


Express opinions and reasons


Reflexive verbs


Relative clauses


Summative Unit Test:


Reading/ Writing


Autumn 2

Topic title

Unit 3:

Sentence Building and Formulating Questions


Pets/ Family

Formative Task:


Genders/ articles




Simple connectives






Colours/ adjectives



Possessive pronoun MY


Simple opinions



Summative Unit Test:

Listening/ Reading

Topic title


Unit 2:


Giving Opinions and Reasons



Formative Task:

Cultural Research (German food)


Apply range of time phrases


Revisit rule of inversion


Express preferences


Conjuctions weil, da, den


Opinion starters





Summative Unit Test:

Listening/ Reading




Topic title


Unit 2:


Describing Events and Photos: Festivals and Celebrations


Formative Task:


Key festivals in German Speaking Countries


Understand detailed descriptions of events


Describe a photo



extended opinions and reasons


Past tense – perfect with haben/ sein


Se some forms of the imperfect tense


Describe a past event




Summative Unit Test:

Speaking/ Writing

Spring 1

Topic title

Unit 4:

Extending Descriptions




Formative Task:


Use a range of adjectives+ intensifiers



Coordinating connectives


Subordinating connectives


Recognise different parts of a sentence


Deconstruct an extended text


Develop dictionary skills


Key verbs- haben/ sein


Apply modal verb mögen

Summative Unit Test:


Topic title

Unit 3:

Sentence Structure and Verb Patterns


Leisure Activities/ Hobbies



Formative Task:


Review of question forms




Present Tense actions


Verb endings


Regular Verbs


Irregular Verbs


Negation of verbs


Extended sentences


Time phrases


Word order



Summative Unit Test:

Reading/ Translation

Topic title

 Unit 3:


Reviewing Tenses and Time Frames

Leisure Activities

Formative Task:


Use a variety of verbs


Apply time phrases with accurate word order


Express complex opinions


Interpret extended passages using 3 tenses


Refer to activities  you do in 3 time frames


Produce a 90 word piece of writing




Summative Unit Test:

Translation/ Writing

Spring 2

Topic title


Unit 5:

Improving Comprehension Skills & Developing Accuracy



Where you live


Formative Task:


Geographical knowledge of Germany (map)


Reading Strategies


Compound Nouns


Describe locations/ houses/ parts of the home


Revisit genders/ articles


Revisit use of kein


Apply structure to  say what there is


Rule of inversion


Prepositions with the dative case



Summative Unit Test:

Listening/ Reading

Topic title


Unit 4:



Present and Past Tenses



TV/ Film/ Leisure

Formative Task:



Time phrases


Word order


Complex opinions


Present tense of key verbs


Recognition of past tense


Review haben/ sein/


Perfect tense construction


Opinions in past tense


Summative Unit Test:


Listening/ writing

Topic title



Unit 4:


Improving Accuracy:

New Technologies and Media

Formative Task:


Discuss uses/ pros and cons of technology





Modal verbs


Complex structures- wenn/ dass etc.



Combine a range of tenses


Infer meaning from longer passages








Summative Unit Test: Reading and Translation

Summer 1

Topic title

Unit 6:

Giving Opinions and Reasons



Food/ Drink

Formative Task:

Cultural Research (German food)


Apply range of time phrases


Revisit rule of inversion


Express preferences


Conjuctions weil, da, den


Opinion starters


Complex sentences


Present tense verb endings


Regular/ irregular verbs- essen/ trinken


Summative Unit Test:

Listening/ Speaking

Topic title

Unit 5:

Speaking about the future/ making plans

Formative Task:


Cultural research- compare education system in Germany


 Extended sentences


Opinions with dass




Modal verbs: müssen/ dürfen


Future Tense


Summative Unit Test:


Topic title

 Unit 5:


 Extended Text:


Healthy and unhealthy lifestyles




Use modal constructions


Use um..zu structure


Produce arguments for and against


Identify and produce 3 tenses with confidence


Role-play cards


Practise exam skills and techniques


Summative Unit Test:

Speaking and listening

Summer 2

Topic title

Review of Core Grammar , Vocabulary and Phonics

Formative Task:


Review core PVG



Summative Unit Test:



Topic title

Unit 6:


Consolidation of tenses

Formative Task:




Future tenses


Review core PVG


Summative Unit Test:



Topic title

Unit 6:

Film Unit:


Understanding and appreciating a film

Formative Task:


Film specific vocabulary


Character analysis


Historical/ cultural references


Plot summaries and comprehension


Film reviews





Summative Unit Test:

Writing a film review



Y10 Content

Y10 Key Assessment

Y11 Content

Y11 Key Assessment

Autumn 1

Topic title


Unit 1

Understanding Exam Criteria / Review of Theme 1 topics

Formative Task:

Picture descriptions


Translations (extended)


Bullet pointed writing


Extended descriptions


Opinions on family/ friends/ marriage


Recap of Leisure activities / celebrations


Reflexive verbs


Relative Clauses


Adjective endings


Possessive pronouns


Modal verbs



Summative Unit Test:

Exam questions in all 4 skills. Foundation papers

Topic title

Work and Education



Building confidence in 3 tenses and complex structures

Formative Task:


Discuss daily school life and rules


Differences between the German and British school system


Extended opinions and information on school, post 16 and future plans



Future careers


Future and conditional tense


Summative Unit Test:

Exam questions in all 4 skills.

All students attempting higher papers to ensure correct tier is in place for Summer exams

Autumn 2

Unit 2: 

Technology in Everyday Life



Formative Task:


Uses, advantages and disadvantages of social media and mobile technology


Reading and listening for opinions


Understanding technical vocabulary


Using adverbs in writing


Rules of word order


Wenn clauses


Complex opinions with dass


Summative Unit Test:

Exam questions in all 4 skills.

Global issues



Build confidence in listening skills and reading authentic material

What concerns us as individuals


Environmental problems and solutions


Eco friendly solutions in the home and local area




Modal verbs and conditional tense


Um…zu clauses




Summative Unit Test:

Exam questions in all 4 skills.

Students completing foundation or higher tier papers as appropriate

Spring 1

Unit 3

Town/Home and environment



Formative Task:

Present tense




Negative constructions


Relative clauses


Complex structures


Imperfect tense


Conditional tense


Extended writing


Complex structures



Summative Unit Test:

Exam questions in all 4 skills.

Topic title

Preparation for speaking assessment



Building confidence with speaking skills

Formative Task:

Understanding the requirements for the speaking exam


Role-play card examples and practise


Photo card examples and practise


Responding to a range of questions based on themes 1, 2 and 3




Summative Unit Test:

Speaking Exam




Spring 2

Unit 4

Holidays/ travel and tourism



Embedding 3 tenses and complex structures


Formative Task:

Cultural research


Transactional language


Complex opinions and reasons




present tense activities


complex structures


narrating past events


Describing future events


Producing extended texts from memory


Exam style questions



Summative Unit Test:

Exam questions in all 4 skills.

Topic title

Assessing gaps in knowledge: topic based



Revisiting core vocabulary for themes 1-3

Formative Task:

Topic and grammar audits


Personalised audit homework tasks


Revisiting gaps in topic knowledge


Building listening and reading skills


Building vocabulary and core expressions


Exam practice and drilling of all themes in 4 skill areas


Summative Unit Test:

All exams.

Students completing foundation or higher tier papers as appropriate.

Summer 1

Unit 5


Social / Global Issues


Formative Task:


Discussing healthy/ unhealthy living


Poverty and homelessness


Reading/ listening strategies


Applying tenses


Giving opinions






Summative Unit Test:

  Exam questions in all 4 skills.

Topic title

Assessing gaps in knowledge: grammar based



Revisiting essential grammar for exam papers


Formative Task:

Revisiting all AQA grammar:




Complex structures

Opinions and justification


Producing 90 word written pieces on all 3 themes with confidence


Class moderation


Self-reflection and self-correction skills




Summative Unit Test:

All exams.

Students completing foundation or higher tier papers as appropriate.

Summer 2

Topic title

Assessing gaps in knowledge: topic based



Revisiting core vocabulary for themes 1-2

Formative Task:

Topic and grammar audits



Revisiting gaps in topic knowledge


Building listening and reading skills


Building vocabulary and core expressions


Exam practice and drilling of all themes in 4 skill areas


Summative Unit Test:

Year 10 Exams

Students completing foundation or higher tier papers as appropriate.

Topic title

Exam Practice in all areas and revision of all themes



Consolidating grammar and skill techniques


Formative Task:

Extensive exam practice and reflection


Drilling and exam-based activities


Individual targets and closing the gap




Summative Unit Test:

All exams.

Students completing foundation or higher tier papers as appropriate.





Topic title

Being exam reading


Exam preparation

Formative Task:

Exam techniques


Final revision

Summative Unit Test:

Summer exams

GCSE German has a Foundation Tier (grades 1–5) and a Higher Tier (grades 4–9). Students must take all four question papers at the same tier. All question papers must be taken in the same series.

Oral test: 7-9 minutes (Foundation tier)

Skill Assessed





Unit 1: Listening


Section A – questions in English, to be answered in English or non-verbally

Section B – questions in German, to be answered in German or non-verbally

No dictionaries.


35 mins (F)

45 mins (H)

40 Marks (F)


50 Marks (H)






Unit 2: Speaking


Role Play

Photo card discussion


No dictionaries.

12 mins preparation

7-9 mins (F)

10-12 mins (H)

60 marks






Unit 3: Reading


Reading tasks with non-verbal and written responses, including one translation task from German into English

No dictionaries.

45 Mins (F)

60 Mins (H)

60 marks






Unit 4: Writing


 3-4 Writing tasks including one translation task from English into German

No dictionaries.

1 hr (F)

1 hr 15 (H)

50 marks (F)


60 Marks (H)

GCSE German

Head of Department/Faculty: Mrs S Casey 


The GCSE German course aims to develop students’ ability to understand spoken and written language in a range of contexts.  It will enable students to communicate in German using a range of vocabulary and develop their understanding of German grammar.  Students will improve their key skills, e.g. communication, working with others, problem-solving and improve their own learning and confidence. By the end of the course, students will be able to communicate effectively in a variety of everyday situations required for a visit to a German speaking country.  Students will have a sound base for further study, work and leisure. 

What does the course involve? 

Students will study all of the following themes on which the assessments will be based: 

  • Theme 1: Identity and Culture (family, relationships, free time activities and technology)
  • Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest (Home, town, environment, travel and tourism)
  • Theme 3: Current and future study and employment

Students will: 

  • Listen to recordings of German speakers
  • Understand and cope with a wider range of vocabulary, including some unfamiliar language
  • Understand and discuss issues and opinions
  • Be able to understand authentic German materials such as hotel brochures, travel information, e-mails and short literary based texts
  • Write descriptions, accounts and narratives

How will I be assessed? 

Students are assessed in the four skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing. These are tiered as Foundation (Grades 1-5) and Higher (Grades 4-9).  

Students must take all 4 skills at the same tier (either Foundation OR Higher) and each component is worth 25% of the final GCSE grade.  

  • Paper 1 Listening Exam - 35 minutes (Foundation) or 45 minutes (Higher)
  • Paper 2 Speaking Assessment - 7-9 minutes (Foundation) or 10-12 minutes (Higher)
  • Paper 3 Reading Exam - 45 minutes (Foundation) or 60 minutes (Higher)
  • Paper 4 Writing Exam - 60 minutes (Foundation) or 75 minutes (Higher)

What are my progression routes? 

A foreign language can give you a skill for life which could be relevant in any number of professions. An increasing number of Universities are expecting students to have a GCSE in languages to follow degree courses. In order to give you the maximum opportunities Post-16 or in employment, you are advised that knowledge of a modern foreign language is very highly regarded. 

Useful Apps and Websites

Vocabulary learning tools:;;

Free apps and websites:



Grammar Revision:


Barnwell Show - Chicago
Jay Peak Ski Trip
Costa Brava School Trip