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Stevenage Cultural Capital Collaboration

October 2021

Barnwell School is working in conjunction with four local schools, Stevenage museum and local arts organisations to create a piece of drama (that will be filmed) celebrating 75 years of Stevenage.

The project will involve students researching the history of Stevenage, how people came to the town and what the town is currently like. It will be celebrating differences, culture and the world in which the students live. The students will be required to complete research and practical drama workshops alongside the other schools and the museum.Β The fourΒ year 7 students and additional 6th formersΒ taking part in the project will receive an Arts Award (Explore) qualification.

More information on the process and outcome of the project will be published later this term.

Barnwell Show - Chicago
Jay Peak Ski Trip
Costa Brava School Trip